in spite of these problem , cheques are widely used bacause they are easier for traders to transport than cash and are certainly less attractive to thieves. the latter prefer cash every time .
without the backing of cheque cards ,cheques are still widely accepted for certain types of transactions . for example , where the goods are to be delivered after payment has been made and the cheque cleared:were the customers and his or her address are known to the shopkeeper\trader ,eg anewsagent who delivers papers dally or amail-order transaction with acatalogue holder;where the customer and the supplier have along-standing relationship;were the item being paid for relates to the customer is house, eg quarterly gas and electricity bills .
cheques are preferrd by business users for reasons of convenience and because cheques allow businesses to enjoy a 'float' while acheque is being cleared and before it is applied to abank account . acheque also provides evidence of receipt and evidence of non-payment should it be returned unpaid
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