accountancy is conncerned with money , but largely from an historical viewpoint . how much did acompany or person spend ?how much did it sell or receive in come ? how much are frim is stocks of finished goods and raw materials worth ? did it make a profit last year ? . in the past 50 years or so , accoutancy has also been used to help businesses to plan their future success , and firms of accountans have set up specialist 'management consultancy ' sections to help their client companies to grow .taxation is also an important service offered by firms of accountants , which prepare tax returns for wealthy individuals and businesses . although most people can do very well without anaccountant ,every business needs one , if only to let the business-person get on with producing and selling while the accountant looks after the records.
not surprisingly ,accountancy may be an important part of your course .
because banks are businesses , they need to use accounting principles in their day -to -day work , but they also use them in discussions with business customers . one very important banking activity is lending to financially healthy businesses or individuals and not to those that may collapse and leave the bank with its loan unpaid . therefore ,bankers must be able to understand accounts .
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